Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Gone Fishing

Brock had his first fishing trip this past weekend. We visited a friend's cabin on the river and had a great time. The weather was beautiful and Brock really enjoyed the great outdoors and chasing our friend's dog, Sadie, around in his walker.  But no fish were caught by Brandon. Maybe next time...

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

9 months & Growing!

Brock had his 9 month checkup today and he is 27.5 inches long and 16 pounds and 12 ounces. He's a little guy, but very healthy. He's grown 1 1/2 inches since last visit! Although it has only been 9 months, I can barely remember his first few days. He was so little! Look at this sweet Baby Brock at just a few days old and under 6 pounds. Wow! Time does fly by! And boy does he grow fast!