Sunday, November 30, 2008

Look at the cutest Santa ever!!!


The Pumphrey's said...

This is Kristen (Fulwiler) Pumphrey - I found your blog through Leigh Anne's and Brock is ADORABLE!! Congratulations - I know he is such a blessing to you two! I am due in March and our site is - so glad to see your beautiful pics!

Jim & Chrissy said...

What a cute little Santa :) I'm a friend of Donna's from St. Louis. I think we've met once or twice when I've been to Nashville for a visit. Anyway, I just clicked on your blog from a link from Donna and recognized you. Congratulations---your baby is beautiful! Just wanted to say hi and leave a comment...I always like seeing new comments on my blog :)

Merry Christmas!
Chrissy Clauser