Monday, January 26, 2009

30 Random Facts About Me (Brock):

1. My adoption was final on December 23, 2008, making it our Christmas Miracle.
2. I love my brown dog, Abby. And she loves me too!
3. I put everything in my mouth.
4. My first tooth just appeared last week.
5. I can crawl now which means I also think I can walk (but I can’t…yet).
6. I can squeal REALLY loud and high pitched.
7. I really enjoy jumping, especially in my doorway jumper.
8. I can’t sit still…EVER!
9. I eat fruit for breakfast and veggies for dinner...along with my bottles of course.
10. I especially love watermelon and bananas.
11. Sears has taken my pictures at 2 months and 7 months. I did great!
12. I am a BBB. Triple B!
13. I was named after 2 of my Great Grandmothers…Barbara Brock and Emma Brandon.
14. I still get up for a 2am bottle. I can’t help it…I’m hungry!
15. My Daddy gives me a bath every night at 7pm and I pass out by 7:30pm.
16. I love music…especially jazz and the lullabies that put me to sleep.
17. I can’t keep my hands off cell phones and remote controls.
18. I like books. They are not just for reading anymore…they are also for tasting.
19. I love to be outside and especially enjoy taking walks around the neighborhood in my stroller holding Abby’s leash.
20. I like Mickey Mouse and I watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse at 9am on Disney each morning.
21. My hair is super soft, dark and curly and is going to get much curlier.
22. I am little…I am in the 25th percentile in height and weight. I now weigh 16 pounds.
23. I have had 2 colds so far and am working on getting my 3rd this week. Yuck!
24. My laugh is really cute and I’m very ticklish everywhere.
25. If my ticket was free…my parents would take me to every UT basketball game because I love them!
26. My Grandparents are NUTS over me! They all spoil me and I love it!
27. I adore my 2 cousins Annlee & Emersen and their dogs too.
28. My Aunt Lindsay and Uncle Mike think I am the cutest baby boy EVER!
29. Nothing gets by me…NOTHING. I hear and see all.
30. My Mommy and Daddy LOVE everything about me!

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