Monday, June 1, 2009

Happy Birthday Brock!

Brock turned 1 this past weekend! WOW! His first year has flown by. Brock had many friends & family join us on Saturday for a great day to celebrate his first year of life. He loved everything about it... people, food, cake, gifts, excitement & all! He got a TON of GREAT gifts! And loves them all...THANK YOU to everyone! But I think his very favorite is the "happy birthday" balloon we got at the Dollar General for $1! He hasn't let it go. 

There's that balloon...
Brock's surfer Mickey Mouse cake was so cute & delicious too! (But where's Mickey now??...does anyone know?...he's missing...)
Presents, presents everywhere! And a lot of super duper helpers too!
Mmmmm chocolate cake...a smeary mess! And what were we thinking all wearing white? We all had chocolate on us. 
Pure JOY!


Jesse and Leslie said...

Awwww...Happy Birthday Brock! I can't believe it has already been a year! Looks like he had a great time! Love the cake pics!

angie said...

Happy Birthday, Brock!

Jon and Angie Tyner said...

I can't believe he's a year old already! Looks like he loves cake. :)