Sunday, July 5, 2009

Happy 4th of July

Our silly faces family at the cabin in the mountains. Notice there were a few that chose not to make a silly face...for fear it would end up online for the world to see!!! I do love Annlee's silly face...I just don't know who she was making it at. Daddy I guess. Mom & I make the Brock "mean face" like pros!

Happy 4th of July weekend! We hope everyone had a wonderful safe celebration. RED, WHITE & BLUE beautifully coordinating MIL!

July 5th...Look at the size of our tomato plants! They are HUGE! They are filled with green tomatoes. So we decided we would pick one and make fried green tomatoes for dinner. So delicious!
We also found 2 roma tomatoes "red enough" so we picked them too and gave one to Brock to hold. The next thing we knew, Brock bit right into it and started eating it. He ate the entire tomato! He also shared a little with Abby dog too. It must have been good...because I didn't get a bite. 

6 teeth showing now

Here's the first was too late to turn back now. 
Happy 4th of July! We got to see awesome fireworks sitting right in our driveway. There were about 2 dozen houses near us putting on their shows about 9pm. Brock loved it! 
Brock would not let the flag go. Happy Birthday USA!

Brock & Daddy celebrating Father's Day together a few weeks ago!
One hot day in our gator green pool. 

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