Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Happy Fall!

Happy BOO at the ZOO! Brock's a green Dragon ($2 2008 Kmart special courtesy of my Sister-Thanks Sis!). Don't forget to be on the lookout for next year's costume November 1st. Dane can wear this one in 2010. Don't worry, we let Brock out of his stroller, but we waited until we got all the candy (and Krispy Kreme donuts) before we set him free to run.

Cheeeeeeeeez Mommy! There's about 6 pots & pans all over the floor that you just can't see. And yes, his shirt says "I Love Dirt"...and yes, that's very true too!

Cheeeeeeeeeez Daddy! Rrrrrrrrr! A Bear...where???

Us in Gatlinburg and you can almost see the fall view behind us...whoops!

One beautiful sunny day in Gatlinburg. This is Clingman's Dome view. I made this trip without Brock...thank goodness. He would've hated the walk uphill and I would not of liked pushing his stroller.

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