Thursday, October 15, 2009

Busy, Busy, Busy...

Where did September go? And how is it already mid-October!!! We've been so busy lately! Brock has been going going going and growing growing growing! He now weighs 19 pounds 3 ounces and is about 30" tall. He is still very tiny for his age, but a very healthy active 16 1/2 month old.
Brock dancing at the Bethany families picnic...
Brock realizing he can touch the speaker and stereo equipment...

Play time and the park.

Brock now goes down the tunnel slide all by himself.

Brock's first popsicle...yum yum ORANGE!

Meeting Cousin Dane for the first time. Notice his t-shirt says..."Big Boy Cuz".

Movie STAR!

AND the DRUM ROLL PLEASE...Brock's 1st haircut...

Before, with his wild hairdo. It was about 5 inches long when pulled straight.

Getting a little nervous to lose the curly locks...
Uh oh, where are they going?

And after...a few inches shorter, but still cute & curly.

1 comment:

Jesse and Leslie said...

He is growing up so fast! Love the haircut pics!